
”After a residence of three months, we are going to leave Edinburgh with feelings of regret and gratitude for the many marks of goodwill and kindness we have received. It is, in a great degree, the Geneva of Britain.”

Das wars. Wir haben uns zum Flughafen aufgemacht und noch ein letztes Business Meeting abgehalten. Nachdem uns auf detaillierteste Weise erklärt wurde, wie das Gepäck ins Flugzeug geladen wird, waren wir uns auch sicher, dass es wieder gut in Genf ankommen wird. Um so erstaunter waren wir, als wir dann vor dem Gepäckband standen und warteten und warteten und warteten. Zum Glück kam es dann doch noch und alle haben es noch rechtzeitig zum Zug geschafft. Und schon verstreuten sich die Gruppe in alle Winde und eine anstregende Study Week war zu Ende.

Airport Meeting

That’s it. We stroke out to the airport and had our last business meeting. After we got a detailed explanation of how the luggage gets into the aircraft, we were sure enough that it will definitely reach Geneva. We were even more surprised when we stood in front of the luggage belt and waited and waited and waited. Fortunately the luggage arrived in the end and everybody made it on time to the train. And then everybody already scattered into all directions and an exhausting Study Week came to an end.  

Zitat/Quotation: ”After a residence of three months, we are going to leave Edinburgh with feelings of regret and gratitude for the many marks of goodwill and kindness we have received. Taken altogether, I do not know any town where it would be pleasanter to live. It is, in a great degree, the Geneva of Britain.”, Louis Simond, 1810

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