Tja, das war wohl einer dieser verhexten Tage, und dass obwohl gestern gar nicht Freitag der 13. war. Deswegen wurde auch gleich ein Krisen-Meeting ausgerufen. Eine schnelle Alternative musste her, der Vorschlag des Hotels waren zwei Viererzimmer in einem anderen Hotel. Aber wollen wir das?
Am Ende hatten wir heute doch noch Glück. Nach vielen Telefonaten und Emails ist das Hotel doch noch auf die Idee gekommen uns acht Duchesses in einem Sechserzimmer unterzubringen. Also können wir jetzt doch im selben Hotel bleiben. Nur Walter Burk muss in ein nahe gelegenes Hotel weichen.
You think, now there are no further obstacles in the way and the journey can finally start, and then one gets am email which does not pull the rug out from under our feet, but does tear the roof from our heads. Yes, that happens if the booked hotel is suddenly overbooked. Fortunately we found it out before Saturday when standing at the reception desk.
Well, that was one of these days under a witch's spell, although it was not even Friday the 13th. For this reason we immediately called out an emergency meeting. A fast alternative had to be found, the hotel's proposal was to send us to a different hotel with two four bed rooms. But do we want this?
In the end we were quite lucky. After many phone calls and emails, the hotel had the idea to give us one of their six bed rooms for the eight of us. So we can stay in the same hotel. Just Walter Burk has to move to a nearby hotel.
Zitat/quotatin: "When one door sticks, another one opens." Schottisches Sprichwort/Scpttish proverb.
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